Thursday, April 19, 2007

Spring Break

I have been taking a break from wedding planning this week and focusing on relaxing activities, like laying in bed all morning and reading books. Yes, this is very lazy but it's been raining since Sunday and I like to relax at home when it rains. Well, today the sun finally made and appearance and so it's back to the grind. Today's small challenge is to investigate cake toppers, to buy or to build? There are so many fantastic cake toppers on line- each one cuter (and more expensive) than the last. I have my grandparent's cake topper which is truly vintage and good looking but I'm afraid it's a little worse for the wear and I'm concerned that if I try to fix it up, I'll end up ruining it. I'm going to my parent's house this week and I'll snap a photo of it to post. In the mean time, here are some of my favorite on line finds.

The birds are from Ann Wood and the cutie vintage bride from Bayberry cove- there's a groom to match but I'm have problems keeping him here (what's new!?). I can't figure out how to make the uploaded images fit into the layout like I want them too. Arggg!! Maybe I need a longer break! If anyone knows how to help me with this problem, HELP ME PLEASE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi... came across your blog from Weddingbee. Anyway, did you ever decide on a cake topper? I fell in love with this same one from Ann Wood, but it was way too expensive. I found another cute bird one from A.C. Moore that was less than $40. There are details about it on my blog, the Procrastinating Bride

Anyway, just thought that might help.